Office of Undergraduate Research - Infographics

The Office of Undergraduate Research at Cal Poly Pomona (OUR-CPP) was established in the fall of 2013 to increase undergraduate student participation in research programs. Participation in research as an undergraduate has been proven to not only expand a student's academic experience at CPP but also improve retention and graduation rates.

My work with the Office of Undergraduate Research as an Information Systems Analyst spanned many roles and responsibilities through my tenure. The primary responsibility was managing student participation records systems from the raw data state through the ETL process and finally, using the data to create dashboards and infographics that could be used by stakeholders and planners throughout campus.

Below are some of the completed infographics that were created and disseminated. These graphics were created using a combination of Python, Tableau, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, and Microsoft Excel.


2019 Cal Poly Pomona Student RSCA Conference

The Cal Poly Pomona Student Research, Scholarship & Creative Activities Conference (CPP Student RSCA Conference) is an annual event that provides an opportunity for our undergraduate and graduate students to share their original research, scholarly and creative activities. All disciplines are represented – this is an opportunity to see CPP students at their best. Students who participate in this conference have the opportunity to be selected to represent CPP at the annual CSU-wide research competition. During the 2019 event, 466 students presented their research at the conference.

2018 Cal Poly Pomona Student RSCA Conference

The Cal Poly Pomona Student Research, Scholarship & Creative Activities Conference (CPP Student RSCA Conference) is an annual event that provides an opportunity for our undergraduate and graduate students to share their original research, scholarly and creative activities. All disciplines are represented – this is an opportunity to see CPP students at their best. Students who participate in this conference have the opportunity to be selected to represent CPP at the annual CSU-wide research competition.

Southern California Conferences for Undergraduate Research

Southern California Conferences for Undergraduate Research (SCCUR) is an organization of Southern California faculty, administrators, and interested members of the community who share the common goal of improving education for college and university students through hands-on experiences of undergraduate research, scholarship, and creative activity.

Cal Poly Pomona RSCA Scholar Recognition

The Scholar Recognition is a collaboration between the Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) and the Learn Through Discovery (LTD) Initiative to recognize Signature Polytechnic Experiences (PolyX) at Cal Poly Pomona. The hallmark of a Cal Poly Pomona education is learn-by-doing. PolyX engages students in learning-by-doing through identifying and implementing solutions to real-world problems and opportunities.

Point of First Interaction with the OUR

The Office of Undergraduate Research serves as a central hub for research training, opportunities, and scholarships on campus. As an office, we noticed that once students interact with us once, they come back and interact in more activities. But how do students interact with us for their very first time?