Hi! My name is Ashish Hingle!

Pronounced "uh-sheesh"

I am a PhD student in Information Technology in the College of Engineering and Computing at George Mason University (Go Patriots!). My pronouns are he/him/his.

My research interests include education in higher education, engineering education, and student-self efficacy. My interests are influenced by my experiences as a first-generation college student navigating through academia.

I am part of the Technocritical Research on AI, Learning & Society Lab (trailsLAB) at GMU. Currently, I am working on the Mason Tech Ethics Project, an NSF-funded grant exploring student's understanding of ethical thinking in our high-tech world. We use role-play activities as a medium for students to explore different perspectives in everyday actions that have ethical considerations.

In conducting my doctoral work, I have received several merit fellowships and scholarships. I am a Summer Institute for Technology Ethics Fellow (Santa Clara University), ICICLE Educational Fellow working with the ICICLE National AI Institute (Ohio State University), a MARIE Program Scholar (George Mason University), and an AI and Tech Policy Summer Fellow (George Mason University).

I hold a M.S. in Business Administration (emphasis in Information Security and Assurance) and B.S. in Business Administration (emphasis in Computer Information Systems) from California State Polytechnic University, Pomona (Go Broncos!). I also hold Associates degrees from Pasadena City College (Go Lancers!).

Current and Past Institutions

George Mason University Logo
Cal Poly Pomona Logo
Pasadena City College Logo


Summer Institute of Technology Ethics Logo
ICICLE Educational Fellows Logo
MARIE Program at GMU Placeholder
AI and Tech Policy Placeholder

Publications, Proceedings, and Projects Updates

Date Activity
03-24 Placed Second for the Student Research Competition Graduate Category at the 55th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education Student Research Competition, Portland, Oregon. Abstract Link
03-24 Placed Second in the GMU College of Engineering and Computing Innovation Week 2024 Graduate Student Poster Competition, Fairfax, Virginia.
02-24 Presented a conference paper at the 2024 Collaborative Network for Engineering & Computing Diversity (CoNECD), Arlington, Virginia.
01-24 Received Best Paper nomination (Computing Education Minitrack) for a conference paper at the 57th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences in Waikiki, HI. Paper Link

Date Activity
10-23 Presented two conference papers at the 2022 Frontiers in Education Annual Conference in College Station, TX.
10-23 Presented a conference paper at the 24th Annual Conference on Ethics Across the Curriculum in Harrisonburg, VA.
09-23 Presented a conference paper at the 2023 European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI) Conference in Dublin, Ireland.
08-23 Gave the Invited Keynote Talk at the 9th Annual Creative Activities and Research Symposium in Pomona, CA.
07-23 Elected as 2023-24 Executive Vice President for the Graduate & Professional Student Association (GAPSA). Link
07-23 Elected as 2023-24 Best Paper Chair for the American Society for Engineering Education Student Division (ASEE-SD). Link
07-23 Presented a conference paper at the 2023 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference in Baltimore, MD.
06-23 Selected as a Grant Recipient for the GMU Mentoring for Anti-Racism and Inclusive Excellence (MARIE) Program. Link
06-23 Selected as a Fellow for the ICICLE National AI Institute Educational Fellows Program. Link
05-23 Received Honorable Mention for a poster at the 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Ethics in Engineering, Science, and Technology, West Lafayette, IN.
03-23 Presented a conference paper at the 2023 American Society for Engineering Education Southeastern Section at George Mason University.
01-23 Published an Open-access journal paper in the Journal of Engineering Education (JEE). Link

Date Activity
10-22 Presented two conference papers at the 2022 Frontiers in Education Annual Conference in Uppsala, Sweden.
10-22 Selected to serve as a Member of the Mason Recreation Advisory Board, 2022-23.
09-22 Presented an interactive poster at the 14th Annual Innovations in Teaching & Learning Conference at George Mason University.
09-22 Selected as a Scholar for the Summer Institute for Technology Ethics, 2022. Link
07-22 Elected as the 2022-23 Director of Communication for the Graduate & Professional Student Association (GAPSA). Link
06-22 Elected as the 2022-23 Co-Diversity Chair for the Student Division of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE). Link
06-22 Presented two conference papers, and a poster at the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, 2022!
03-22 Presented a conference poster at 2022 Mason Graduate Interdisciplinary Conference.

Date Activity
10-21 Presented a conference paper at Frontiers in Education, 2021 (virtual conference)!
09-21 Presented two interactive sessions at the Stearns Center for Teaching and Learning Annual Conference ITL 2021 (virtual conference)!
08-21 Selected as the 2021-2022 General Assembly Representative for the PhD in Information Technology Program! Link
07-21 Presented a conference paper at American Society for Engineering Education, 2021 (virtual conference)!

Date Activity
09-20 Selected as 2020-2021 General Assembly Representative for the PhD in Information Technology Program! Link
08-20 Started working on the Mason Tech Ethics Project! Link